Hey Mama,
If you’re anything like me, you’re probably hoping that you will have the strength to give birth unmedicated and completely naturally. After all, women have been giving birth since the beginning of time without medication. Perhaps you’ve told some friends about your natural birth dreams, only to be met with comments like, “just get the epidural, it’s so much easier” or “you will for sure get the epidural, the pain is unbearable!”. This can be so disappointing to hear, especially if you truly believe that you are strong enough to deliver your baby without medical intervention. That’s why I want to tell you about manifestation for moms and how to manifest your dream birth with ease.
It has been proven that women who go into birth with a positive attitude toward the experience are more likely to deliver their babies naturally. Some women choose to hire a doula to help them with this, as the extra support from a professional birthing coach may be just what they need to find the strength within them to labor naturally. But even if you don’t want to hire a doula, you can still take steps now to prepare you for a positive birth experience. While physical preparation is really important, priming your mind to automatically be able to go to a positive place even during a very painful contraction is going to go a long way.
Today I’m going to be giving you some tips on how to manifest your dream birth. If you’re not familiar with the concept of manifestation, fellow blogger Kelsey Aida defines it as follows: to manifest (verb) something is to bring something forth into your physical life experience by using your thoughts, feelings, or beliefs. It may sound a little “woo-woo” but if you fully trust the process, you will be able to see the results you desire. You have to believe that your mind’s eye has the ability to truly create your reality. Therefore, using positive affirmations and visualizations is one of the best ways to manifest your dreams. You should spend a little time each day reciting your affirmations out loud to yourself. You want to not only be repeating these phrases, but also feel into them and believe them to be true.
Positive affirmations and manifestation can be used for all aspects of your life from your career to money to health and of course to pregnancy and birth. Therefore, I encourage you to start a list of affirmations that make you feel good about giving birth. I am going to list some examples of affirmations that I have on my list below but I hope that you will also feel into the positive vibes of these affirmations and come up with your own. The thing with affirmations is that everyone feels into the vibes different. When I say, “I was made to be a mother”, I feel this to my core and truly believe it with all my heart. Therefore, this affirmation gives me confidence and strength. If you don’t completely feel the same way, you don’t have to use this one. Come up with a list of affirmations that truly speak to your heart.
Here are some examples of my affirmations that I am currently using to manifest my dream birth:
- Where the mind leads, the body follows.
- My contractions cannot be stronger than me, they are me.
- I am strong enough to do this.
- I grew this baby, I can birth this baby.
- Each pain brings me closer to meeting my baby, I can do this.
- The pain is powerful, but I am more powerful.
- I am stronger than I think and will give birth to a son/daughter who is even stronger than me.
- Our baby girl/boy is the missing piece of our hearts and is coming to bless us soon.
- I was made to be a mother.
So go ahead and take 5 minutes to write down some affirmations. You can write some of the ones I mentioned above or write your own. I find that when I visualize what I want to happen I am able to come up with more affirmations that speak to me. You can also create “past-tense” affirmations to confidently report what has happened during your birth before it even happens. For example, “My baby was delivered in under 6 hours” or “The pain of labor wasn’t as bad as I expected”. By framing these things into the past tense, you’re tricking your brain into believe them to be 100% true facts. Therefore, you are more likely to have these experiences when you do give birth.
I understand that this method of creating a positive mindset may sound completely out there. After all, if it really worked then why isn’t everyone doing it? Well, there is something else that is super important when it comes to manifestation. Your focus needs to stay positive in order to see the true results. The reason for this is that any time your mind wavers you are letting fear in which will inhibit the ability to truly believe what you desire to be your true reality. For example, a lacking mindset will take away your ability to gain something. You should make it a priority to also practice gratitude and feel into abundance.
One example of how this has worked for me during pregnancy (unrelated to birth but a good example) is manifesting things that we need for the baby. Babies are expensive and there is so much that they require. After making my baby registry I was completely overwhelmed. I added up the cost of all the items and my husband and I wondered how we would be able to afford everything if we don’t get any gifts from family or friends. But in that moment of fear and uncertainty, I decided that I was going to feel into the abundance and abundance would follow.
One affirmation I used was, “my baby girl is going to have everything she needs to have a happy and healthy life”. I repeated this and also stopped worrying about what we needed. As soon as my focus shifted away from our lack of baby items, I started getting notified that people were registering for gifts. Lots of gifts. Big gifts even. If you let your mind be consumed with lack then you will continue to lack what you desire. Believe that you have everything you need and you will have it.
If you want to read more about manifestation and how it can help you in all aspects of your life, allow me to introduce you to Kimberly Wenya, a manifestation coach and boss babe nomad who I have followed over the past year to learn more and understand the power of manifestation. You can check out her blog here.
She shares her manifestation tips and secrets via her blog, Facebook lives, her Instagram stories and her podcast. She is super down to earth and is living proof of how powerful manifestation can be.
I can honestly say that manifestation does require you to focus and put in the work, but when you do, you will see real results. Leave a comment down below if you’ve tried manifestation and what you were able to accomplish through the act of maintaining a positive mindset. I want to show other mamas that it really works! Just know that it’s totally possible to manifest your dream birth! Looking forward to hearing your stories (or questions) in the comments!
Mother of Fawn