Hello Mama,
Something I don’t hear a lot of moms or moms-to-be talk about is how many mixed feelings they get from their changing bodies. I thought that having a growing baby bump would be all rainbows and butterflies. I was not ready for these emotions. I’m sure you’re feeling the same way which is why today I want to share 6 tips on how to love your pregnant body despite all the physical changes.
Before I get into the tips, I want to share a little bit more about my personal story and feelings. Before getting pregnant, I was working out regularly and was in best physical shape of my adult life. I was doing this because I knew how important being physically fit would be when it came time to have a baby so I was planning ahead.
I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with my body, and right before getting pregnant I was my most confident I had ever been. I could wear a crop top without feeling self conscious which I never could do in the past. I was really loving my body and so excited to show off all my hard work I put in.
Now that I’m becoming a mommy, my body is changing. I’m excited about the changes because I know that I’m literally growing a human right now and that’s a beautiful thing. I couldn’t wait to start really showing and honestly my little baby bump looks cute as hell under a dress. But the part I struggle with is that yes, I am growing my baby girl, but I am feeling more self conscious about my body again.
I spent some time feeling upset about it, I’m not afraid to admit that. After all, I want other moms who are struggling with this to feel like they are not alone. But since I’m typically a positive person, I felt like I needed to find ways to love my new body in order to keep a positive mindset for my baby girl. These are some of the things that have helped me (and hopefully will help you too).
So here are my 6 tips for learning how to love you new pregnant body.
How To Love Your Pregnant Body
- Buy new clothes.
The biggest thing I struggled with when I started getting bigger is that my clothes were getting smaller. Okay, they weren’t, but that’s how it felt. I know women always say they have “nothing to wear” but I literally had NOTHING to wear! It was frustrating and put me in the worst mood. But as soon as I bought clothes that actually fit me (maternity leggings for the win!) I started to feel like my old self again. I realized that I wasn’t actually THAT much bigger, and I just needed clothes for flatter my new body. To save money you can shop secondhand which is what I have been doing at local thrift shops and through Poshmark. - Get active (just a lil bit).
No, you don’t have to go hard at the gym, but doing a little bit a physical activity will do wonders for your mentality. I used to workout 4-5 times a week burning 700-1,000 calories each time. While I don’t do that anymore, I make it a priority to take my dog for a long(ish) walk at least 3 times a week. It helps to get outside for some fresh air and not feel like a bump on a log. - Take some cute ass selfies!
Just because your lower half may look a little well… different, you can still take selfies that make you look flattering (and help you to forget you’re even pregnant). Take advantage if you’re lucky enough to be experiencing the “pregnancy glow”. A lot of women look incredible from the increased blood flow that gives their skin more life than before. - Don’t stress about what you’re eating.
I’m not saying you should eat an entire pint of Ben & Jerry’s every night after work, but don’t be afraid to treat yourself. You’re working hard to literally create A LIFE and therefore you should enjoy some treats. Don’t count calories. Don’t restrict anything. Just eat when you need to eat. I’ll be sharing another post with healthy pregnancy snacks so be on the look-out for that one. Just make sure your diet is BALANCED. You know, apple with peanut butter, salmon with broccoli, and a brownie (for balance!). - Leave the weigh-ins for doctor’s appointments.
Just like any other time in your life, your weight is going to fluctuate, A LOT. And the thing with pregnancy weight is it’s not all fat. There’s a baby, amniotic fluid, and yes, some fat stores which will be used to nourish your little babe in the near future. Because of this, I recommend trying to keep weigh-ins for your doctor’s appointments only. If you really feel the need to weigh yourself at home, try to limit to once every 2 weeks (otherwise you will go crazy seeing the numbers change). Remember, while you don’t want to gain too much at once, every pregnancy is different and therefore the pregnancy weight gain guidelines are literally just that — guidelines! - Look at your body for what it’s doing, not how it looks.
Double chin, bulging belly, stretch marks. Yes, these things are not easy to look at, which is why at this point you need to stop focusing on how your body LOOKS. Instead, think about what your body is doing in this moment. Your bulging belly is keeping your child safe before he or she can come out into the world. Your new plump figure will come in handy when it’s time to breastfeed to nourish your baby. Your baby appreciates this. You should too.
Now is the time to be forgiving to yourself and your body. I’m going through the same thing as you, trying to embrace and love the changes but it takes time and isn’t always easy. These are some of the things that have helped me over the past few months so I hope that you will find value in these tips.
Leave a comment and let me and other mommies know if you have any other ways to stay positive! And just remember, your baby isn’t going to judge you for how you look. Your baby is going to love you for being their mom. And as I have said before, you’re gonna be a great mom.
I appreciate your advice to shop second-hand so that you are saving as much money as possible on the clothing. My cousin is going through her first pregnancy right now and needs a lot of help. I think it’s a great idea to reach out to a local professional that can help give her advice and check-ups.
Yes, secondhand clothing during this time is a lifesaver! You can feel a little better about your changing body without spending too much money. Wishing your cousin a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery! I’m here if she needs someone to talk to!