Hi Mama,
Are you an expecting mama like myself? If yes, you probably have gotten the question from multiple people: are you nervous to give birth? I have personally been asked this all through my pregnancy, but especially toward the end of the pregnancy now that I am HUGE and look like I’m ready to pop out this baby at any moment.
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It’s funny because when I first found out I was pregnant, I was super excited for my family to grow, but I was also terrified at the thought that I was going to have to give birth soon. Up until that moment, birth was something off in the distant future that would eventually happen when I decided I was ready to have kids. Once I got that positive test it was finally set in stone that in 9 months, birth was going to be inevitable.
The first trimester you don’t see a ton of changes in your body (at least not much of a baby bump), so it’s almost as though this isn’t really happening. But once you start getting bigger, you might be overcome with some nerves about the impending birth. When my bump started growing I started to poop my pants a little bit. How is this human going to come out from THERE?
I spent a lot of time worried for a few weeks, but then things started to change. As I read more about pregnancy, labor, baby care, I started to gain more confidence in myself and my body’s ability to do what it was built to do: birth my baby girl. I also took classes and a hospital tour which helped to ease a lot of the anxiety that I was having around birth. If you don’t educate yourself then there are going to be a lot of unknowns that scare you. Once you start to understand the process, it gets easier to trust in yourself and your abilities.
After about 30 weeks was when I started to feel that confidence. Someone asked me once again if I was nervous to give birth, and for the first time I said “no” and I honestly meant it. I actually surprised myself in that moment because I was so used to clenching up and feeling a wave of anxiety come over me any time birth was even mentioned. How could I have changed so quickly? Is this what it’s like to have “motherly instincts” kick in?
I felt like over the weeks my focus of birth changed from being all about me to all about my baby. Instead of thinking about the pain and discomfort that I was going to feel during the birthing process, I started to realize that this day is all about my baby and helping her to make a smooth transition from womb to world. It is my motherly duty to make sure that she comes out safely to meet her parents. That’s something that I have become so passionate about.
With less than 6 weeks left until my due date, I’m not nervous. I’m the opposite. I’m excited. Excited to meet my baby and fall in love with her. Excited to see Huy become a dad. And excited to see myself transform into a mother, which is something that I have always known I’ve wanted so desperately to be (in due time of course).
Birth plans aside, there is one thing I know for sure. The day of my daughter’s birth will be a celebration. There will be cake. There will be a birthday balloon. We are going to give her the warmest welcome into this world and we absolutely cannot wait!
If you are nervous about giving birth, caring for a baby or becoming a mom in general, here are some of the books that I have been reading that have helped me to feel a lot better and more confident in my transition into motherhood…
Mayo Clinic’s Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy
Mayo Clinic’s Guide to Your Baby’s First Year
La Leche League’s The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
I also recommend attending child birthing or Lamaze classes and hiring a doula if you feel like you need a little extra support and strength. Of course I haven’t birthed my baby yet but I’m confident that I will have a pleasant experience based solely alone on the confidence and positive mindset that I’m feeling around birth. I hope that all moms can have this feeling when going into birth.
If you’re a seasoned mom already, please leave some advice in the comments below. If you’re a first-time mom like me who is gearing up to give birth, leave any questions or concerns below as well. Let’s have a chat and support each other through this life changing experience!
Mother of Fawn